From Amelia Martin
| 686 686 playsFollow along with this video and learn how to access your course grades and feedback on Brightspace. It is possible your instructor may not use the Brightspace Grades… -
From Amelia Martin
| 3,859 3,859 playsWelcome to Brightspace! This video will provide an overview of Brightspace, Carleton's Learning Management System. -
From Amelia Martin
| 1,497 1,497 playsThis video tour will demonstrate how to take a quiz in Brightspace from the student's perspective. If you experience technical difficulties during an exam, contact… -
From Amelia Martin
| 111 111 playsThe Completion Tracking and Class Progress tools can help you stay on top of your coursework in Brightspace. This video will introduce both tools, explaining how… -
| 476 476 playsThis is an introduction to Brightspace for students. The video will cover some key functions, including: How to login to Brightspace Navigating the Brightspace interface…
From Amelia Martin
| 1,580 1,580 playsFollow along this introductory video of the assignment tool in Brightspace. This video demonstrates two ways to submit a file or text assignment. For more Brightspace… -
From Saafi Warsame
| 1,201 1,201 playsThe discussion tool in Brightspace is used for course assessments and activities. It can be a very useful tool for engaging with your peers and building relationships in…