From Andrew Barrett
| 58 58 playsExamples of how open educational resources are being used in college and university courses -
From Andrew Barrett
| 30 30 playsHow open data is being used in learning activities and assignments, as well as in research projects. -
From Chloe Jones
| 351 351 playsExamples of how ePortfolios are being used at the course and program-level in universities and colleges. -
How do badges motivate learners?
06:17duration 6 minutes 17 seconds
How do badges motivate learners?
From Andrew Barrett
| 116 116 playsHow badges and micro-credentials can be used to motivate students. How badges can gamify learning. -
From Andrew Barrett
| 46 46 playsHow to find open educational resources, and evaluate their effectiveness. -
From Chloe Jones
| 1,380 1,380 playsAdvice for adopting and implementing ePortfolio tools, including technical and administrative considerations. -
From Andrew Barrett
| 27 27 playsPositive and negative implications of using social media in classes. -
From Andrew Barrett
| 34 34 playsAdvice on how to effectively integrate and use social media in teaching and learning. -
From Andrew Barrett
| 17 17 playsHow to find open access publications, and evaluate their effectiveness. -
From Andrew Barrett
| 16 16 playsChallenges and considerations for use of open data in classes and in research projects. -
From Andrew Barrett
| 15 15 playsHow open access publications impact teaching and learning, and how insitutions can support the use of open access publications. -
From Chloe Jones
| 91 91 playsBenefits, challenges, and considerations of including ePortfolio assignments into classes and programs. -
From Andrew Barrett
| 71 71 playsConsiderations for use of micro-credentials and badges in courses and programs, including technical challenges and administrative considerations. -
From Andrew Barrett
| 16 16 playsTypes of skills that are necessary and that can be fostered when using open data in assignments. -
From Andrew Barrett
| 139 139 playsBenefits of using micro-credentials and badges in teaching and learning, and examples of how they are being used in classes.