Search for tag: "edit"
GarageBand for Podcasting | Experiential Learning Hub tutorialsLearn how to use GarageBand to record, edit and export a podcast, with Greg Allison from the New Media team. Chapters by topic available in menu Popular Key Commands: Space Bar = Play and…
From Tai Zimmer
98 plays
Video Editing Software Overview | Experiential Learning Hub TutorialLearn about some of the many available video editing tools for all levels of experience, including both free and paid tools. In addition to the tools listed, TLS offers Kaltura Mediaspace for…
From Tai Zimmer
58 plays
Introduction to cuPortfolioRecorded on June 5th, 2020Session Learning Outcomes:By the end of this session, participants will be able to: • describe what cuPortfolio is • distinguish between different types/uses…
From Allie Davidson
70 plays