Search for tag: "provinces"

What are some potential impacts of OAP, and what role can institutions play?

How open access publications impact teaching and learning, and how insitutions can support the use of open access publications.

From  Andrew Barrett 15 plays

PALOMA - Impressions of Ottawa

Culture;Mike Barker;Paloma;SLALS;Spanish;Summer 2015

From  Mike Barker 6 plays


From  Mike Barker 2 plays

PALOMA - Impressions of Ottawa

From  Mike Barker 4 plays

CDNS 1001R AnneTrepanier 03

From  Richard Nimijean 143 plays

The Emergence of Children's right in Canada 1959 to 1993

From  capture carleton 90 plays

An Architecture for Children's Rights in Canada

From  capture carleton 38 plays

The Emergence of Children's right in Canada 1959 to 1993

From  capture carleton 2 plays