09:35duration 9 minutes 35 seconds
What types of skills or learning outcomes can be…
What types of skills or learning outcomes can be fostered/supported by using open data?
Types of skills that are necessary and that can…
10:31duration 10 minutes 31 seconds
How are you using open data in your teaching or…
How are you using open data in your teaching or research?
How open data is being used in learning…
09:33duration 9 minutes 33 seconds
Why is open data important? How can it empower…
Why is open data important? How can it empower scholars?
Benefits of using open data in teaching and…
00:48duration 48 seconds
2014 12 psyc2002 zelenski - wrap up
Fall 2014;PSYC 2002;Public;Greg Zelenski
2014 12 psyc2002 zelenski "wrap up"
"Wrap up"
13:51duration 13 minutes 51 seconds
2015 RLABS MOD1 ExploringData
00:19duration 19 seconds
GuyLacroix 03 WEB
GuyLacroix 05 WEB
08:39duration 8 minutes 39 seconds