07:36duration 7 minutes 36 seconds
Using Intelligent Agents in D2L Brightspace
Intelligent Agents are a powerful tool in D2L Brightspace that can help you engage with your students and help your students stay on top of their coursework. This video will introduce intelligent…
01:40duration 1 minute 40 seconds
2014 12 psyc2002 zelenski "hypotheses"
08:08duration 8 minutes 8 seconds
Supervisor Health and Safety Awareness Training
07:10duration 7 minutes 10 seconds
Lead the Way
02:03duration 2 minutes 3 seconds
02 Nancy Supervisors
03:09duration 3 minutes 9 seconds
Be a Role Model
Worker Health and Safety Awareness Training: Be a role model.
04:31duration 4 minutes 31 seconds
Know that you are not alone
Worker Health and Safety Awareness Training: Know that you are not alone.
04:24duration 4 minutes 24 seconds
2 - Carathéodory's Theorem
15:16duration 15 minutes 16 seconds
2014 Psyc 1002 CH10 D MC 720p
01:38duration 1 minute 38 seconds
COLINE Friend from France visits Ottawa
03:40duration 3 minutes 40 seconds
Role of fire safety wardens
09:48duration 9 minutes 48 seconds
2015 PSYC 1002 CH11 G PSYC 2015