Advantages of open access publications.
How open access publications impact teaching and…
Considerations for effective use of social media…
Positive and negative implications of using…
Advice on how to effectively integrate and use…
Considerations for use of open educational…
How to find open educational resources, and…
How open educational resources can benefit…
Advice for adopting and implementing ePortfolio…
How using ePortfolios can help prepare students…
Benefits, challenges, and considerations of…
Examples of how ePortfolios are being used at the…
Types of skills that are necessary and that can…
Considerations for use of micro-credentials and…
Benefits of using micro-credentials and badges in…
2015;Allie Davidson;blog;EDC;Public;STLHE;Word…
Mike Barker;Paloma;SLALS;Spain;Spanish;Summer 2015
Carleton University Department of Chemistry
Kim Hellemans, Neuroscience / Psychology
Using an online classroom for synchronous…
Strategies for creating and evaluating effective…