Search for tag: "career"

FUSION Experience Testimonial | Kristal Mae P

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From  Charisse Martin 85 plays

Welcome to My Online Classroom - Lorraine Godden

In this recording, Dr. Godden discusses the strategies she used to incorporate the FUSION modules into her first-year seminar course.

+22 More
From  Lorraine Godden 115 plays

Learning Outcomes as Blueprints for Course Design

Most simply defined, learning outcomes describe what learners are supposed to know, be able to do, or value at the end of a course or module. In the same way that we tell students that their papers…

From  Morgan Rooney 100 plays

What are some strategies for using ePortfolios to prepare students for employment?

How using ePortfolios can help prepare students for employment.

+47 More
From  Chloe Jones 51 plays

Bruce Tsuji

Department of Psychology

+19 More
From  capture carleton 12 plays

Stricktly Speaking - Fair Winds and Following Seas

The man that took us from crayons to perfume is now leaving the Carleton community for the greener side; John Strickland, Assistant Director of Instructional Media Services is retiring after 30 years…

From  Greg.Allison 5 plays


From  Bruce Tsuji 4 plays