00:50duration 50 seconds
COLINE What's in womens purses
02:40duration 2 minutes 40 seconds
PALOMA - What do you think of the style of…
PALOMA - What do you think of the style of teaching:how university works in Canada?
04:12duration 4 minutes 12 seconds
2 - Representations of polytopes
03:08duration 3 minutes 8 seconds
Nandini Sarma
Department of French Interdisciplinary Studies
18:01duration 18 minutes 1 second
CDNS 1001R Paul Litt 02
09:48duration 9 minutes 48 seconds
CDNS 1001R AnneTrepanier 01
00:47duration 47 seconds
Kathi - 3 Surprising things
00:40duration 40 seconds
Kathi - Life different in Canada
02:35duration 2 minutes 35 seconds
JUAN - Why did you choose your major?