01:37:43duration 1 hour 37 minutes
Engaging Students in Online Group Work
Zoom Recording ID: 98969734955 UUID:…
01:15:48duration 1 hour 15 minutes
Learning Outcomes as Blueprints for Course Design
Most simply defined, learning outcomes describe…
43:32duration 43 minutes 32 seconds
To see or not to see? The discussion and research…
To see or not to see? The discussion and research on the presence of instructor’s face in lecture videos
By Maristela PD - Embedding the video of the…
01:17:44duration 1 hour 17 minutes
Preventing Plagiarism through Course Design
Are plagiarized student papers driving you to…
29:19duration 29 minutes 19 seconds
Welcome to My Online Classroom - Bruce Tsuji
Welcome to My Online Classroom is a workshop…