50:55duration 50 minutes 55 seconds
Assessment Planning: Why, When, What?
(Close to 9000 views on videoedc channel…
01:02:33duration 1 hour 2 minutes
Transforming live lecture into online lesson
By Maristela PD - (Over 630 views on videoedc…
03:28duration 3 minutes 28 seconds
Brigida Surprising things about Spain
02:53duration 2 minutes 53 seconds
2014_Psyc_1001_CH6_F- MC 720p
03:12duration 3 minutes 12 seconds
Brigida - Surprising things about Spain
03:20duration 3 minutes 20 seconds
Stricktly Speaking - The Hidden IMS
Instructional Media Services (IMS) is not only…
06:13duration 6 minutes 13 seconds
Stricktly Speaking - Fair Winds and Following Seas
The man that took us from crayons to perfume is…
15:31duration 15 minutes 31 seconds
2015 PSYC 1002 CH13 A PSYC 2015