Search for tag: "thinking"

FUSION Experience Testimonial | Kristal Mae P

+26 More
From  Charisse Martin 85 plays

Learning Outcomes as Blueprints for Course Design

Most simply defined, learning outcomes describe…

From  Morgan Rooney 100 plays

Assessment Planning: Why, When, What?

(Close to 9000 views on videoedc channel…

From  Maristela Petrovic-Dzerdz 41 plays

Assessment Fundamentals

Assessment is often one of the most dreaded parts…

From  Morgan Rooney 104 plays

Preventing Plagiarism through Course Design

Are plagiarized student papers driving you to…

+72 More
From  Morgan Rooney 56 plays



+157 More
From  Guy Lacroix 11 plays

How can ePortfolios be used effectively in higher education?

Examples of how ePortfolios are being used at the…

From  Chloe Jones 347 plays

The Role of Learning Outcomes

The role of learning outcomes and their purpose…

+53 More
From  Morgan Rooney 2,035 plays