01:45duration 1 minute 45 seconds
FUSION Experience Testimonial | Kristal Mae P
01:15:48duration 1 hour 15 minutes
Learning Outcomes as Blueprints for Course Design
Most simply defined, learning outcomes describe…
50:55duration 50 minutes 55 seconds
Assessment Planning: Why, When, What?
(Close to 9000 views on videoedc channel…
01:27:08duration 1 hour 27 minutes
Assessment Fundamentals
Assessment is often one of the most dreaded parts…
01:17:44duration 1 hour 17 minutes
Preventing Plagiarism through Course Design
Are plagiarized student papers driving you to…
02:22:22duration 2 hours 22 minutes
05:38duration 5 minutes 38 seconds
How can ePortfolios be used effectively in higher…
How can ePortfolios be used effectively in higher education?
Examples of how ePortfolios are being used at the…
06:42duration 6 minutes 42 seconds
The Role of Learning Outcomes
The role of learning outcomes and their purpose…