Search for tag: "video gaming"
Online Classrooms and Synchronous CommunicationUsing an online classroom for synchronous communication in the online learning environment Note: This video is protected by a Creative commons licence. Creative Commons…
From capture carleton
168 plays
Discovery Centre - Aubrey AnableAubrey Anable (Department of Film Studies) discusses how she uses the Gaming Lab in the Discovery Centre to host her classes in Video Games and Differences. The Discovery Centre is a 9,500 square…
From Aleksandra Minic
11 plays
Discovery Centre - Shawn GrahamShawn Graham (Department of History) discusses how he uses the Discovery Centre to re-imagine his classes in the Digital Humanities. The Discovery Centre is a 9,500 square foot collaborative work…
From Aleksandra Minic
8 plays
Gaming Principles in LearningStrategies for applying gaming principles to courses to increase student engagement and learning. Note: This video is protected by a Creative commons licence. Creative Commons …
From capture carleton
271 plays