Search for tag: "device"

3D Scanner Tutorial (Trailer)

Full-length tutorial: Cutdown trailer of 3D Scanning for Beginners video, for display on the…

+20 More
From  Tai Zimmer 21 plays

Accessories | Experiential Learning Hub Smartphone Photography Tutorial

Accessories / Experiential Learning Hub Tutorial

+22 More
From  Tai Zimmer 12 plays

Thesis Defense on Zoom Tutorial - Student

Thesis Defense on Zoom Tutorial - Student

+35 More
From  Morgan Rooney 74 plays

To see or not to see? The discussion and research on the presence of instructor’s face in lecture videos

By Maristela PD - Embedding the video of the instructor in the lecture video is a very popular practice in online and blended university courses. As we include more technology in creating different…

From  Maristela Petrovic-Dzerdz 56 plays

PALOMA - What have you tried:experiemented with for the 1st time here?

Mike Barker;Paloma;SLALS;Spain;Spanish;Summer 2015

From  Mike Barker 5 plays


From  Mike Barker 17 plays

2015 Chemistry Magic Show - Hydrogen Bomb

From  Greg.Allison 12 plays

2015 Chemistry Magic Show - Iodine Clock

From  Greg.Allison 15 plays

Using AMX Touch Panel

A CTS video explaining how to use the class AMX touch panel system.

+24 More
From  capture carleton 66 plays

Using the Classroom Microphone

A CTS video explaining how to use the class Microphone.

+20 More
From  capture carleton 27 plays

Benefits and Challenges of Online Teaching

How teaching online positively impacts both the teaching and learning experience and what challenges to expect. Note: This video is protected by a Creative commons licence. Creative Commons …

From  capture carleton 2,108 plays