Search for tag: "learning materials"

Tips for Creating Engaging Videos

Zoom Recording ID: 94491902020 UUID: MKfZ3fDmTY25sE64DmU3jQ== Meeting Time: 2020-08-21T13:37:15Z

From  Morgan Rooney 79 plays

What are some benefits and/or concerns you've found after using social media?

Positive and negative implications of using social media in classes.

From  Andrew Barrett 27 plays

What are some of the challenges or barriers to using OERs?

Considerations for use of open educational resources in classes.

From  Andrew Barrett 32 plays

How do you locate and evaluate the OERs you use?

How to find open educational resources, and evaluate their effectiveness.

From  Andrew Barrett 46 plays

What are some of the benefits of OERs?

How open educational resources can benefit teaching and learning.

From  Andrew Barrett 52 plays

EDC Blog - STLHE 2015

2015;Allie Davidson;blog;EDC;Public;STLHE;Word Press

From  capture carleton 12 plays

2014_Psyc_1001_CH6_A- MC 720p

From  Bruce Tsuji 3 plays

EDC Blog - STLHE 2015

From  capture carleton 7 plays

2014 Psyc1001 CH2 A MC 720p

From  Bruce Tsuji 4 plays

2014 Psyc 1001 CH7 G MC 720p

From  capture carleton 1,553 plays

2014 Psyc 1001 CH7 A MC 720p

From  capture carleton 8 plays

2015 PSYC 1001 CH1 A PSYC 2015

From  Bruce Tsuji 4,690 plays

2015 PSYC 1001R Ch00 D PSYC 2015

From  Bruce Tsuji 3,356 plays

2015 PSYC 1001R Ch00 E PSYC 2015

From  Bruce Tsuji 3,012 plays

2015 PSYC 1002R Ch00 B PSYC 2015

From  Greg.Allison 1,645 plays

2015 PSYC 1002 CH11 A PSYC 2015

From  Greg.Allison 2,164 plays

Carleton Professor Reviews 3

From  James MacDonald 7,170 plays