11:04duration 11 minutes 4 seconds
What are some of the challenges of using open…
What are some of the challenges of using open data?
Challenges and considerations for use of open data in classes and in research projects.
09:35duration 9 minutes 35 seconds
What types of skills or learning outcomes can be…
What types of skills or learning outcomes can be fostered/supported by using open data?
Types of skills that are necessary and that can be fostered when using open data in assignments.
02:05duration 2 minutes 5 seconds
PALOMA - What have you tried:experiemented with …
PALOMA - What have you tried:experiemented with for the 1st time here?
Mike Barker;Paloma;SLALS;Spain;Spanish;Summer 2015
13:51duration 13 minutes 51 seconds
2015 RLABS MOD1 ExploringData
08:39duration 8 minutes 39 seconds
2015 PSYC 1002R Ch00 C PSYC 2015
07:17duration 7 minutes 17 seconds
2015 PSYC 1002Open Ch00 F PSYC 2015
01:27duration 1 minute 27 seconds
PSYC2001 Primer01 MC 720P
00:46duration 46 seconds
PSYC2001 Primer03 MC 720P
00:33duration 33 seconds
PSYC2001 Primer06 MC 720P
02:29duration 2 minutes 29 seconds
PSYC2001 Brittany 01 MC 720P
01:17duration 1 minute 17 seconds
PSYC2001 Brittany 05 MC 720P