Search for tag: "open"

Getting Started With Zoom

A recording of a "Getting Start with…

+123 More
From  Morgan Rooney 97 plays

To see or not to see? The discussion and research on the presence of instructor’s face in lecture videos

By Maristela PD - Embedding the video of the…

From  Maristela Petrovic-Dzerdz 56 plays

Making the Most of Office Hours

In this session, participants will have an…

+56 More
From  Morgan Rooney 41 plays

Welcome to My Online Classroom - Bruce Tsuji

Welcome to My Online Classroom is a workshop…

+47 More
From  Morgan Rooney 52 plays

What are the advantages of Open Access?

Advantages of open access publications.

+43 More
From  Andrew Barrett 46 plays

What are some potential impacts of OAP, and what role can institutions play?

How open access publications impact teaching and…

From  Andrew Barrett 15 plays

What are some considerations for locating and using Open Access Publications?

How to find open access publications, and…

+45 More
From  Andrew Barrett 17 plays

How have you used social media personally, professionally and/or in the classroom?

Examples of how faculty are using social media.

+45 More
From  Andrew Barrett 21 plays

What are some considerations for adoption of social media?

Considerations for effective use of social media…

From  Andrew Barrett 28 plays

What are some benefits and/or concerns you've found after using social media?

Positive and negative implications of using…

From  Andrew Barrett 27 plays

What are some best practices to follow when using social media?

Advice on how to effectively integrate and use…

+47 More
From  Andrew Barrett 34 plays

What are some of the challenges or barriers to using OERs?

Considerations for use of open educational…

+48 More
From  Andrew Barrett 32 plays

How are you using OERs?

Examples of how open educational resources are…

+39 More
From  Andrew Barrett 58 plays

How do you locate and evaluate the OERs you use?

How to find open educational resources, and…

+44 More
From  Andrew Barrett 46 plays

What are some of the benefits of OERs?

How open educational resources can benefit…

+38 More
From  Andrew Barrett 53 plays

What advice do you have for instructors or administrators who are interested in implementing ePortfolios?

Advice for adopting and implementing ePortfolio…

+61 More
From  Chloe Jones 1,342 plays

What are some strategies for using ePortfolios to prepare students for employment?

How using ePortfolios can help prepare students…

+47 More
From  Chloe Jones 51 plays

What are the benefits and challenges of using ePortfolios?

Benefits, challenges, and considerations of…

+54 More
From  Chloe Jones 91 plays

How can ePortfolios be used effectively in higher education?

Examples of how ePortfolios are being used at the…

From  Chloe Jones 347 plays

What are some of the challenges of using open data?

Challenges and considerations for use of open…

From  Andrew Barrett 16 plays

What types of skills or learning outcomes can be fostered/supported by using open data?

Types of skills that are necessary and that can…

From  Andrew Barrett 16 plays

How are you using open data in your teaching or research?

How open data is being used in learning…

From  Andrew Barrett 30 plays

Why is open data important? How can it empower scholars?

Benefits of using open data in teaching and…

+60 More
From  Andrew Barrett 37 plays

What advice would you give to instructors or administrators who are interested in using badges in their course or program?

Effective practices for implementing badges and…

+28 More
From  Andrew Barrett 45 plays

How do badges motivate learners?

How badges and micro-credentials can be used to…

+43 More
From  Andrew Barrett 116 plays

What do you think are some of the challenges of using micro-credentials/badges?

Considerations for use of micro-credentials and…

+44 More
From  Andrew Barrett 71 plays

Why use micro-credentials/badges?

Benefits of using micro-credentials and badges in…

+44 More
From  Andrew Barrett 139 plays

Engaging Online Students

Strategies for interacting with and engaging…

From  capture carleton 458 plays

Self and Peer Evaluation

The benefits of getting students involved with…

From  Morgan Rooney 579 plays

2015 PSYC 1002Open Ch00 F PSYC 2015

+22 More
From  Greg.Allison 13 plays