A recording of a "Getting Start with…
By Maristela PD - Embedding the video of the…
In this session, participants will have an…
Welcome to My Online Classroom is a workshop…
Advantages of open access publications.
How open access publications impact teaching and…
How to find open access publications, and…
Examples of how faculty are using social media.
Considerations for effective use of social media…
Positive and negative implications of using…
Advice on how to effectively integrate and use…
Considerations for use of open educational…
Examples of how open educational resources are…
How to find open educational resources, and…
How open educational resources can benefit…
Advice for adopting and implementing ePortfolio…
How using ePortfolios can help prepare students…
Benefits, challenges, and considerations of…
Examples of how ePortfolios are being used at the…
Challenges and considerations for use of open…
Types of skills that are necessary and that can…
How open data is being used in learning…
Benefits of using open data in teaching and…
Effective practices for implementing badges and…
How badges and micro-credentials can be used to…
Considerations for use of micro-credentials and…
Benefits of using micro-credentials and badges in…
Strategies for interacting with and engaging…
The benefits of getting students involved with…