Search for tag: "setup"

Sony a6500 Basic Setup Camera Tutorial | Experiential Learning Hub tutorials

Everything you need to know about setting up and operating your Sony a6500 camera kit loan (Auto settings only), with the New Media team's Casey Jones.

From  Tai Zimmer 29 plays

Introduction to the Gradebook

The Brightspace gradebook is a powerful tool to help you manage grades and communicate feedback to students. From displaying grades, to providing important text-based comments, to calculating…

From  Allie Davidson 29 plays

Moodle 2 8 Gradebook Setup

From  capture carleton 3 plays

Cultivating Supportive Online Environments

Strategies for encouraging the creation of a supportive, positive online community. Note: This video is protected by a Creative commons licence. Creative Commons …

From  capture carleton 514 plays