Search for tag: "twitter"

How have you used social media personally, professionally and/or in the classroom?

Examples of how faculty are using social media.

+45 More
From  Andrew Barrett 21 plays

What are some considerations for adoption of social media?

Considerations for effective use of social media…

From  Andrew Barrett 28 plays

What are some benefits and/or concerns you've found after using social media?

Positive and negative implications of using…

From  Andrew Barrett 27 plays

What are some best practices to follow when using social media?

Advice on how to effectively integrate and use…

+47 More
From  Andrew Barrett 34 plays


+16 More
From  hasi.eldib 147 plays

Becoming a research hound

Trish O'FlahertyDocument specialist,…

+20 More
From  capture carleton 4 plays

Social Media in Teaching and Learning

Using social media as a teaching and learning…

+25 More
From  capture carleton 290 plays