Search for tag: "organizations"

Transforming live lecture into online lesson

By Maristela PD - (Over 630 views on videoedc…

+98 More
From  Maristela Petrovic-Dzerdz 51 plays

Introduction to cuPortfolio

Recorded on June 5th, 2020Session Learning…

+116 More
From  Allie Davidson 71 plays

What are some strategies for using ePortfolios to prepare students for employment?

How using ePortfolios can help prepare students…

+47 More
From  Chloe Jones 52 plays

Government information

Frances MontgomeryDocument specialist, MADGIC

+20 More
From  capture carleton 2 plays

CDNS1001R Kahente Horn-Miller Interview

From  Richard Nimijean 212 plays

PALOMA - What do women carry in their purses?

+11 More
From  capture carleton 2 plays

TD Lecture On Philanthropy - The "Ubers" of Philanthropy - The Next Disruptive Things

+19 More
From  Greg.Allison 14 plays

5. Demystifying the WCAG 2 Standards Time Code Burn

+20 More
From  capture carleton 4 plays

Brigida Fortune tellers

From  Mike Barker 4 plays

STEFFI - Bad Habits

From  Mike Barker 2 plays

Developing an Online Community

Building a community online with student…

From  Morgan Rooney 835 plays

2015 PSYC 1001 CH5 A PSYC 2015

+21 More
From  Bruce Tsuji 2,277 plays

Employment Standards

+20 More
From  capture carleton 2 plays

Information and Communications Standards

From  capture carleton 3 plays

Information and Communications Standard

From  capture carleton 5,009 plays

Employment Standard

From  Greg Bugler 6,505 plays

2015 PSYC 1002 CH13 A PSYC 2015

From  Greg.Allison 1,727 plays

5. Demystifying the WCAG 2 Standards

+19 More
From  Greg Bugler 131 plays