01:02:33duration 1 hour 2 minutes
Transforming live lecture into online lesson
By Maristela PD - (Over 630 views on videoedc…
01:58:10duration 1 hour 58 minutes
Introduction to cuPortfolio
Recorded on June 5th, 2020Session Learning…
06:19duration 6 minutes 19 seconds
What are some strategies for using ePortfolios to…
What are some strategies for using ePortfolios to prepare students for employment?
How using ePortfolios can help prepare students…
05:54duration 5 minutes 54 seconds
Government information
Frances MontgomeryDocument specialist, MADGIC
08:48duration 8 minutes 48 seconds
CDNS1001R Kahente Horn-Miller Interview
02:16duration 2 minutes 16 seconds
PALOMA - What do women carry in their purses?
01:40:56duration 1 hour 40 minutes
TD Lecture On Philanthropy - The…
TD Lecture On Philanthropy - The "Ubers" of Philanthropy - The Next Disruptive Things
26:55duration 26 minutes 55 seconds
5. Demystifying the WCAG 2 Standards Time Code…
5. Demystifying the WCAG 2 Standards Time Code Burn
02:02duration 2 minutes 2 seconds
Brigida Fortune tellers
00:52duration 52 seconds
STEFFI - Bad Habits
07:42duration 7 minutes 42 seconds
Developing an Online Community
Building a community online with student…
12:58duration 12 minutes 58 seconds
2015 PSYC 1001 CH5 A PSYC 2015
19:17duration 19 minutes 17 seconds
Employment Standards
25:08duration 25 minutes 8 seconds
Information and Communications Standards
02:39duration 2 minutes 39 seconds
Information and Communications Standard
04:18duration 4 minutes 18 seconds
Employment Standard
15:31duration 15 minutes 31 seconds
2015 PSYC 1002 CH13 A PSYC 2015
5. Demystifying the WCAG 2 Standards