39:13duration 39 minutes 13 seconds
BIOL 1010 Lecture 11 Part 3
11:04duration 11 minutes 4 seconds
What are some of the challenges of using open…
What are some of the challenges of using open data?
Challenges and considerations for use of open data in classes and in research projects.
09:35duration 9 minutes 35 seconds
What types of skills or learning outcomes can be…
What types of skills or learning outcomes can be fostered/supported by using open data?
Types of skills that are necessary and that can be fostered when using open data in assignments.
10:31duration 10 minutes 31 seconds
How are you using open data in your teaching or…
How are you using open data in your teaching or research?
How open data is being used in learning activities and assignments, as well as in research projects.
09:33duration 9 minutes 33 seconds
Why is open data important? How can it empower…
Why is open data important? How can it empower scholars?
Benefits of using open data in teaching and learning.
20:29duration 20 minutes 29 seconds
CDNS 1001R SusanRoss 01
08:04duration 8 minutes 4 seconds
2015 RLABS INTRO DataTypes3 Practice…
2015 RLABS INTRO DataTypes3 Practice NamingColumnsAndRows
02:25duration 2 minutes 25 seconds
2015 Chemistry Magic Show - Burning Money
00:52duration 52 seconds
STEFFI - Bad Habits
02:19duration 2 minutes 19 seconds
2016 04 raven talk dave PROMO h264
03:32duration 3 minutes 32 seconds
moodle activity findapartment
These are instructions for the "Find an Apartment" WebQuest, an assignment for language students. In this assignment, students identify a "best choice" apartment for a…
10:21duration 10 minutes 21 seconds
2015 PSYC 1002 CH9 A PSYC 2015
13:22duration 13 minutes 22 seconds
Fire Safety at CU
09:21duration 9 minutes 21 seconds
Fire Safety In Residence
03:40duration 3 minutes 40 seconds
Role of fire safety wardens