17:47duration 17 minutes 47 seconds
BIOL 1010 Lecture 12 Part 3
01:55:22duration 1 hour 55 minutes
Tips for Creating Engaging Videos
Zoom Recording ID: 94491902020 UUID:…
43:32duration 43 minutes 32 seconds
To see or not to see? The discussion and research…
To see or not to see? The discussion and research on the presence of instructor’s face in lecture videos
By Maristela PD - Embedding the video of the…
02:22:22duration 2 hours 22 minutes
03:51duration 3 minutes 51 seconds
Getting Started
A CTS video explaining how to get started in an…
05:16duration 5 minutes 16 seconds
2014 Psyc 1001 CH7 F MC 720p
21:18duration 21 minutes 18 seconds
2014 Psyc 1001 CH7 C MC 720p
12:23duration 12 minutes 23 seconds
2014 Psyc 1001 CH7 D MC 720p
11:05duration 11 minutes 5 seconds
2014 Psyc 1001 CH7 B MC 720p
02:06duration 2 minutes 6 seconds
2014 Psyc 1001 CH7 A MC 720p
06:42duration 6 minutes 42 seconds
The Role of Learning Outcomes
The role of learning outcomes and their purpose…
12:07duration 12 minutes 7 seconds
01:53duration 1 minute 53 seconds
2015 PSYC 1001 CH7 A PSYC 2015
04:59duration 4 minutes 59 seconds
2015 PSYC 1002R Ch00 B PSYC 2015