Search for tag: "research"

Main Video Future of Community Based Research vMix mix

Master video of the day

+21 More
From  Genevieve Harrison 8 plays

Preventing Plagiarism through Course Design

Are plagiarized student papers driving you to your wits’ end? This interactive workshop will consider how we can use course design to reduce opportunities for plagiarized writing assignments.As…

+72 More
From  Morgan Rooney 56 plays



+157 More
From  Guy Lacroix 11 plays

What are the advantages of Open Access?

Advantages of open access publications.

+43 More
From  Andrew Barrett 46 plays

What are some potential impacts of OAP, and what role can institutions play?

How open access publications impact teaching and learning, and how insitutions can support the use of open access publications.

From  Andrew Barrett 15 plays

How have you used social media personally, professionally and/or in the classroom?

Examples of how faculty are using social media.

+45 More
From  Andrew Barrett 21 plays

What are some of the benefits of OERs?

How open educational resources can benefit teaching and learning.

+38 More
From  Andrew Barrett 53 plays

What advice do you have for instructors or administrators who are interested in implementing ePortfolios?

Advice for adopting and implementing ePortfolio tools, including technical and administrative considerations.

+61 More
From  Chloe Jones 1,306 plays

What types of skills or learning outcomes can be fostered/supported by using open data?

Types of skills that are necessary and that can be fostered when using open data in assignments.

From  Andrew Barrett 16 plays

How are you using open data in your teaching or research?

How open data is being used in learning activities and assignments, as well as in research projects.

From  Andrew Barrett 30 plays

Why is open data important? How can it empower scholars?

Benefits of using open data in teaching and learning.

+60 More
From  Andrew Barrett 37 plays

Claire Samson 2017

From  James MacDonald 5 plays

2014 12 psyc2002 zelenski - wrap up

Fall 2014;PSYC 2002;Public;Greg Zelenski

+15 More
From  Greg.Allison 8 plays

2014 12 psyc2002 zelenski "wrap up"

"Wrap up"

+19 More
From  Greg.Allison 2 plays

CarletonU Promo 2013

Produced by MPC.

From  Frank Heney 17 plays

Research to the rescue

Trish O'FlahertyDocument specialist, Reference Services

From  capture carleton 5 plays

Carleton University Library Writing the Research Paper

+23 More
From  Richard Nimijean 6 plays

Carleton University Library Changes to the library homepage

+9 More
From  Richard Nimijean 158 plays

2014 12 psyc2002 zelenski "hypotheses"


+19 More
From  Greg.Allison 1,618 plays

2014 12 psyc2002 zelenski "hypotheses"


+19 More
From  Greg.Allison 4 plays

2014 12 psyc2002 zelenski "wrap up"

+19 More
From  Greg.Allison 209 plays

COLINE What studying and process

+25 More
From  Mike Barker 3 plays

CDNS 1001 R Course Intro

+22 More
From  Richard Nimijean 524 plays

CDNS 1001R SophieTamas WEB

+19 More
From  Richard Nimijean 304 plays

JUAN - The Whole Story

+20 More
From  Mike Barker 47 plays

2015 RLABS MOD2 AnalysisOfCovariance Theory

From  Tom Sherratt 2 plays

2015 CDNS1001R Jeff Ruhl interview h264

From  Richard Nimijean 137 plays

2015 Chemistry Magic Show - Sodium and Potassium in Water

From  Greg.Allison 20 plays

2015 Discovery Lecture - How To Build A Robot Brain

How To Build A Robot Brain: From Artificial Intelligence to Emotional Intelligence

+24 More
From  Greg.Allison 147 plays

GuyLacroix 01 WEB

+19 More
From  capture carleton 10 plays

GuyLacroix 02 WEB

+19 More
From  capture carleton 1,583 plays

GuyLacroix 05 WEB

From  capture carleton 274 plays

JohnZelenski WEB

+18 More
From  capture carleton 2 plays


+19 More
From  Guy Lacroix 3 plays


+19 More
From  Guy Lacroix 2 plays


From  capture carleton 8 plays


+19 More
From  capture carleton 3 plays


Worker Health and Safety Awareness Training: Labels.

From  capture carleton 8,565 plays


+22 More
From  capture carleton 2,753 plays


From  capture carleton 2,231 plays

Becoming a research hound

Trish O'FlahertyDocument specialist, Reference Services

+20 More
From  capture carleton 4 plays

2014 Psyc 1001 CH3 B MC 720p

+20 More
From  capture carleton 9 plays

JohnZelenski pt1 MC 720p

From  capture carleton 1,393 plays

Jane Dickson

Department of Law

From  capture carleton 33 plays

Cheryl Harasymchuk

Department of Neuroscience/Psychology

From  capture carleton 85 plays

MARIANNA What would you change if you could?

+22 More
From  Mike Barker 2 plays

Kathi - Cosmetic surgery

From  Mike Barker 1 plays

JUAN - The Whole Story

+20 More
From  Mike Barker 5 plays

2016 04 raven talk dave V2 h264

+17 More
From  Greg.Allison 3 plays

2015 PSYC 1002R Ch00 F PSYC 2015

From  Greg.Allison 1,272 plays