Search for tag: "anatomy"



From  Kim Hellemans 15 plays

2014_Psyc_1001_CH4_C- MC 720p

From  capture carleton 2,122 plays

2014_Psyc_1001_CH5_C- MC 720p

From  capture carleton 2,074 plays

Brigida Surprising things about Spain

From  Mike Barker 33 plays

COLINE Three surprising things

From  Mike Barker 1 plays

COLINE Three surprising things

From  Mike Barker 1 plays

2015 RLABS MOD2 PolynomialRegression Practice

From  Tom Sherratt 2 plays

2015 03 02 robot brain h264

From  Greg.Allison 3 plays

2015 Chemistry Magic Show - Exhaled Carbon Dioxide

From  Greg.Allison 6 plays

2015 Discovery Lecture - How To Build A Robot Brain

How To Build A Robot Brain: From Artificial Intelligence to Emotional Intelligence

From  Greg.Allison 147 plays

GuyLacroix 01 WEB

From  capture carleton 9 plays


From  Guy Lacroix 2 plays

2014_Psyc_1001_CH3_C- MC 720p

From  capture carleton 2,337 plays

2014_Psyc_1001_CH3_D- MC 720p

From  capture carleton 2,317 plays

2014_Psyc_1001_CH3_E- MC 720p

From  capture carleton 2,136 plays

2014_Psyc_1001_CH3_G- MC 720p

From  capture carleton 1,997 plays

2014 Psyc 1001 CH3 B MC 720p

From  capture carleton 8 plays

2014 Psyc 1001 CH7 F MC 720p

From  capture carleton 1,578 plays

2014 Psyc 1002 CH10 B MC 720p

From  capture carleton 2,191 plays

2. Disabilities and Challenges Time Code Burn

From  Jessie Gunnell 4 plays

MARIANNA What to see in Sao Paolo

From  Mike Barker 1 plays

Bloom’s Taxonomy and Course Design

The relationship between Bloom’s Taxonomy, learning outcomes and the course design process. Note: This video is protected by a Creative commons licence. Creative Commons …

From  Morgan Rooney 702 plays

Brigida - Surprising things about Spain


From  Mike Barker 14 plays


From  hasi.eldib 2,853 plays


From  hasi.eldib 2,424 plays

2015 PSYC 1001 CH3 A PSYC 2015

From  Bruce Tsuji 3,181 plays

2015 PSYC 1001 CH3 B PSYC 2015

From  Bruce Tsuji 2,652 plays

2015 PSYC 1001 CH4 A PSYC 2015

From  Bruce Tsuji 2,500 plays

2015 PSYC 1001 CH5 A PSYC 2015

From  Bruce Tsuji 2,277 plays

2015 PSYC 1002 CH9 B PSYC 2015

From  Greg.Allison 2,467 plays


From  Tom Sherratt 19 plays

2. Disabilities and Challenges

From  Greg Bugler 199 plays

The role of Learning Outcomes in a course design process

By Maristela PD - What are 'learning outcomes'? When in the course design process should we consider learning outcomes? Interview with Maristela Petrovic-Dzerdz, Carleton University, 2016.

From  Maristela Petrovic-Dzerdz 198 plays