Join us as we explore how Brightspace can support effective communication and collaboration with your students! In this recording of the Brightspace Communication and Collaboration training, we…
Maristela Laforest Petrovic-Dzerdz shares the highlights of the Course Design Fundamentals workshop with the same title.
Introduction to the design of a second year blended course
Shazia Sadaf's experiences with online teaching.
Zoom Recording ID: 94491902020
UUID: MKfZ3fDmTY25sE64DmU3jQ==
Meeting Time: 2020-08-21T13:37:15Z
Our panelists Kim Hellemans, Ali Arya and Adrian Chan discuss what emotional engagement means to them and share their perspectives on
the topic. They offer their thoughts and ideas, and share how…
Dr. Paloma Raggo briefly introduces her approach to online teaching and shares a few tips gathered over the last 7 years.
Zoom Recording ID: 98969734955
UUID: B7V3Ze+BQnihbi0uBozSLg==
Meeting Time: 2020-08-10T16:49:08Z
A recording of a "Getting Start with Zoom" workshop, from June 2020. This session is intended for individuals who have limited experience with Zoom (beginners).Zoom is a web conferencing…
Welcome to my online classroom for Introduction to Statistics for Psychology delivered in the late summer term of 2020.
By Maristela PD - Embedding the video of the instructor in the
lecture video is a very popular practice in online and blended university
courses. As we include more technology in creating different…
Welcome to My Online Classroom is a workshop series led by instructors, for instructors, with a specific focus on sharing a wide variety of ideas, strategies, and approaches to teaching online. The…
Welcome to My Online Classroom is a workshop series led by instructors, for instructors, with a specific focus on sharing a wide variety of ideas, strategies, and approaches to teaching online. The…
By Maristela PD - (Over 630 views on videoedc channel https://youtu.be/J_rOeV7i1mI ) Introduction to a concept of online lessons and
fundamental differences between live lectures and online lessons.…
Welcome to My Online Classroom is a workshop series led by instructors, for instructors, with a specific focus on sharing a wide variety of ideas, strategies, and approaches to teaching online. The…
Assessment is often one of the most dreaded parts of teaching and learning. But as challenging as it can be, designing sound assessments is critical to the success of your course.In this workshop,…
By Maristela PD - In the second part of this session, we continued showcasing engaging online learning activities that have been successfully applied in many Carleton courses,
and we discussed…
A brief video that reviews the relevant factors when deciding on the modality for your course (synchronous, asynchronous, or blended/mixed).
Welcome to My Online Classroom is a workshop series led by instructors, for instructors, with a specific focus on sharing a wide variety of ideas, strategies, and approaches to teaching online. The…
In this session, participants will have an opportunity to discuss why some students attend office hours while others do not. Participants will also have a chance to explore not only why it is…
Welcome to My Online Classroom is a workshop series led by instructors, for instructors, with a specific focus on sharing a wide variety of ideas, strategies, and approaches to teaching online. The…
Welcome to My Online Classroom is a workshop series led by instructors, for instructors, with a specific focus on sharing a wide variety of ideas, strategies, and approaches to teaching online. The…
Welcome to My Online Classroom is a workshop series led by instructors, for instructors, with a specific focus on sharing a wide variety of ideas, strategies, and approaches to teaching online. The…
Welcome to My Online Classroom is a workshop series led by instructors, for instructors, with a specific focus on sharing a wide variety of ideas, strategies, and approaches to teaching online. The…
Welcome to My Online Classroom is a workshop series led by instructors, for instructors, with a specific focus on sharing a wide variety of ideas, strategies, and approaches to teaching online. The…
Welcome to My Online Classroom is a workshop series led by instructors, for instructors, with a specific focus on sharing a wide variety of ideas, strategies, and approaches to teaching online. The…
By Maristela PD - In the first part of this online session, we showcased several “best-selling” engagement and communication online activities created in cuLearn, which have been…
Welcome to My Online Classroom is a workshop series led by instructors, for instructors, with a specific focus on sharing a wide variety of ideas, strategies, and approaches to teaching online. The…
Examples of how faculty are using social media.
How using ePortfolios can help prepare students for employment.
Examples of how ePortfolios are being used at the course and program-level in universities and colleges.
Mike Barker;Paloma;SLALS;Spain;Spanish;Summer 2015
Using an online classroom for synchronous communication in the online learning environment
Note: This video is protected by a Creative commons licence. Creative Commons…
Strategies for creating and evaluating effective online discussions.
Note: This video is protected by a Creative commons licence.
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0…
How To Build A Robot Brain: From Artificial Intelligence to Emotional Intelligence
A CTS video explaining how to use the class console computer.
A CTS video explaining how to use a windows laptop in a classroom.
A CTS video explaining how to connect a mac laptop in the classroom.
Strategies and tools for communicating clearly and effectively with students in the online environment to encourage dialogue and avoid misunderstandings.
Note: This video is protected by a Creative…
Skills that are helpful to have when teaching an online course and how they compare to traditional face-to-face teaching skills.
Note: This video is protected by a Creative commons licence. …
Building a community online with student interaction and instructor feedback leads to engagement and creates effective online discussions.
Note: This video is protected by a Creative commons…