Search for tag: "computing & information technology"

2 - Optimizing a linear function

Fall 2015;Kevin Cheung;Polyhedral…

From  Kevin Cheung 21 plays


From  capture carleton 3 plays

2015 RLABS INTRO MakingFunctions

From  Tom Sherratt 2 plays

Instructional Design models

From  capture carleton 602 plays

2015 Chemistry Magic Show - Acetylene Balloon

From  Greg.Allison 39 plays

Carleton University TechSmith Fuse Tutorial

This tutorial explains how to use the techSmith…

From  capture carleton 46 plays

Using SMART Sympodium

A CTS video explaining how to use the SMART …

From  capture carleton 18 plays

Using the Console Computer

A CTS video explaining how to use the class…

+20 More
From  capture carleton 15 plays

Using a Windows Laptop

A CTS video explaining how to use a windows…

From  capture carleton 7 plays

1 - Dual problem in general

+12 More
From  capture carleton 4 plays

Using a Mac Laptop

A CTS video explaining how to connect a mac…

From  capture carleton 13 plays

1 - Fundamental Theorem of Linear Programming

From  capture carleton 26 plays

1 - Linear Programming Basics

From  capture carleton 23 plays

2 - Optimizing a linear function

From  Kevin Cheung 3 plays

2 - Polytopes

From  capture carleton 5 plays

2 - Polyhedral cones

+19 More
From  capture carleton 11 plays

4 - Total dual integrality

From  capture carleton 8 plays

Kathi - Fortune Tellers

+21 More
From  Mike Barker 3 plays


+21 More
From  hasi.eldib 1,639 plays


From  hasi.eldib 2,016 plays

2015 PSYC 1001 CH8 A PSYC 2015

+21 More
From  Bruce Tsuji 1,880 plays


From  Tom Sherratt 153 plays


+19 More
From  Tom Sherratt 189 plays


From  Tom Sherratt 68 plays


+17 More
From  Tom Sherratt 30 plays

3. Technologies

+19 More
From  Greg Bugler 153 plays

8. Tools and Resources

From  Greg Bugler 117 plays

The core phases of the instructional design process

What are the core phases of the instructional…

From  Maristela Petrovic-Dzerdz 161 plays