Shazia Sadaf's experiences with online teaching.
Most simply defined, learning outcomes describe what learners are supposed to know, be able to do, or value at the end of a course or module. In the same way that we tell students that their papers…
By Maristela PD - Embedding the video of the instructor in the
lecture video is a very popular practice in online and blended university
courses. As we include more technology in creating different…
(Close to 9000 views on videoedc channel https://youtu.be/MtZB6sHs09U). In this session, Maristela Petrovic-Dzerdz, with the help of Dr. Anthony Marini, tackles the fundamentals of the complex topic…
Welcome to My Online Classroom is a workshop series led by instructors, for instructors, with a specific focus on sharing a wide variety of ideas, strategies, and approaches to teaching online. The…
By Maristela PD - In the first part of this online session, we showcased several “best-selling” engagement and communication online activities created in cuLearn, which have been…
Fall 2015;Kevin Cheung;Polyhedral Combinatorics;Public
An overview of common instructional design models, the core principles underlying each model, and how applying these principles impacts the teaching and learning experience.
Note: This video is…
A brief explanation of behaviorism, cognitivism, and constructivism and how these learning theories are applied in current educational contexts.
Note: This video is protected by a Creative commons…
By Maristela PD - What are 'learning outcomes'? When in the course design process should we consider learning outcomes? Interview with Maristela Petrovic-Dzerdz, Carleton University, 2016.
What are the core phases of the instructional design process? Interview with Maristela Petrovic-Dzerdz, Carleton University, 2016.