Search for tag: "problem"
Learning Outcomes as Blueprints for Course DesignMost simply defined, learning outcomes describe what learners are supposed to know, be able to do, or value at the end of a course or module. In the same way that we tell students that their papers…
From Morgan Rooney
100 plays
To see or not to see? The discussion and research on the presence of instructor’s face in lecture videosBy Maristela PD - Embedding the video of the instructor in the lecture video is a very popular practice in online and blended university courses. As we include more technology in creating different…
From Maristela Petrovic-Dzerdz
56 plays
Assessment Planning: Why, When, What?(Close to 9000 views on videoedc channel In this session, Maristela Petrovic-Dzerdz, with the help of Dr. Anthony Marini, tackles the fundamentals of the complex topic…
From Maristela Petrovic-Dzerdz
41 plays
Welcome to My Online Classroom - Anne TrépanierWelcome to My Online Classroom is a workshop series led by instructors, for instructors, with a specific focus on sharing a wide variety of ideas, strategies, and approaches to teaching online. The…
From Morgan Rooney
88 plays
Incorporating Effective Online Communication and Engagement Activities into Your Course (Part 1)By Maristela PD - In the first part of this online session, we showcased several “best-selling” engagement and communication online activities created in cuLearn, which have been…
From Maristela Petrovic-Dzerdz
142 plays
Instructional Design ModelsAn overview of common instructional design models, the core principles underlying each model, and how applying these principles impacts the teaching and learning experience. Note: This video is…
From Morgan Rooney
589 plays
Theories of LearningA brief explanation of behaviorism, cognitivism, and constructivism and how these learning theories are applied in current educational contexts. Note: This video is protected by a Creative commons…
From Morgan Rooney
1,177 plays
The role of Learning Outcomes in a course design processBy Maristela PD - What are 'learning outcomes'? When in the course design process should we consider learning outcomes? Interview with Maristela Petrovic-Dzerdz, Carleton University, 2016.
From Maristela Petrovic-Dzerdz
202 plays
The core phases of the instructional design processWhat are the core phases of the instructional design process? Interview with Maristela Petrovic-Dzerdz, Carleton University, 2016.
From Maristela Petrovic-Dzerdz
159 plays