Search for tag: "university & college"

What are some potential impacts of OAP, and what role can institutions play?

How open access publications impact teaching and learning, and how insitutions can support the use of open access publications.

From  Andrew Barrett 15 plays

What are some of the challenges or barriers to using OERs?

Considerations for use of open educational resources in classes.

From  Andrew Barrett 32 plays

What are some of the benefits of OERs?

How open educational resources can benefit teaching and learning.

From  Andrew Barrett 52 plays

What advice do you have for instructors or administrators who are interested in implementing ePortfolios?

Advice for adopting and implementing ePortfolio tools, including technical and administrative considerations.

From  Chloe Jones 1,238 plays

How can ePortfolios be used effectively in higher education?

Examples of how ePortfolios are being used at the course and program-level in universities and colleges.

From  Chloe Jones 343 plays

What do you think are some of the challenges of using micro-credentials/badges?

Considerations for use of micro-credentials and badges in courses and programs, including technical challenges and administrative considerations.

From  Andrew Barrett 71 plays

Why use micro-credentials/badges?

Benefits of using micro-credentials and badges in teaching and learning, and examples of how they are being used in classes.

From  Andrew Barrett 138 plays

Iryna Koslova profile 2017

From  James MacDonald 19 plays

CarletonU Promo 2013

Produced by MPC.

From  Frank Heney 17 plays

CDNS 1001R Martha 03

From  Richard Nimijean 482 plays


From  hasi.eldib 5 plays

Find articles using Summon

From  Richard Nimijean 79 plays


From  hasi.eldib 147 plays

CDNS 1001 R Course Intro

From  Richard Nimijean 524 plays

CDNS 1001R Martha 01

From  Richard Nimijean 297 plays

CDNS 1001R Martha 02

From  Richard Nimijean 266 plays

CDNS 1001R Martha 04

From  Richard Nimijean 803 plays

CDNS 1001R Martha 05

From  Richard Nimijean 575 plays

CDNS 1001R Martha 06

From  Richard Nimijean 3 plays

Carleton University Library Off Campus Access

From  Richard Nimijean 3 plays

Carleton University Library Evaluating Online Information Using the CRAP Test

From  Richard Nimijean 237 plays

Carleton University Library Popular vs Academic Sources and the Peer Review Process

From  Richard Nimijean 241 plays

CDNS 1001R Sophie Interview

From  Richard Nimijean 320 plays

CDNS 1001R Allan Ryan Interview

From  Richard Nimijean 192 plays

CDNS1001R Kahente Horn-Miller Interview

From  Richard Nimijean 212 plays

JUAN - The Whole Story

From  Mike Barker 47 plays

Chemistry Magic Show Promo Trailer

From  Greg.Allison 13 plays

Research Skills Wrap Up

From  Richard Nimijean 4 plays

JohnZelenski WEB

From  capture carleton 2 plays

Supervisor Health and Safety Awareness Training

From  capture carleton 2,743 plays


From  capture carleton 3 plays

Carleton University TechSmith Fuse Tutorial

This tutorial explains how to use the techSmith Fuse product on your mobile device.

From  capture carleton 46 plays


From  capture carleton 2,284 plays


From  capture carleton 2,212 plays

2014 Psyc1001 CH2 A MC 720p

From  Bruce Tsuji 4 plays

JohnZelenski pt1 MC 720p

From  capture carleton 1,393 plays

JohnZelenski pt2 MC 720p

From  capture carleton 1,251 plays

Jane Dickson

Department of Law

From  capture carleton 33 plays

Chris Motz

Department of Psychology

From  capture carleton 62 plays

Bruce Tsuji

Department of Psychology

From  capture carleton 11 plays

Deep and Surface Learning

The differences between deep and surface learning and strategies for encouraging students to adopt a deep approach to learning. Note: This video is protected by a Creative commons licence. …

From  Morgan Rooney 1,311 plays

The Course Development Process

The core principles for developing online and blended courses, and the factors that may influence this process. Note: This video is protected by a Creative commons licence. Creative Commons …

From  capture carleton 256 plays

Stricktly Speaking-Let’s Be Active! New Classrooms on Campus

Instructional Media Services is excited to announce the development of two new Active Learning Classrooms both housed in the Tory Building. While these rooms are still under construction, the Active…

From  Greg.Allison 14 plays

The Place of Assessment in Course Design

The role assessment plays in the course design process. Note: This video is protected by a Creative commons licence. Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported (CC…

From  Morgan Rooney 1,143 plays


From  hasi.eldib 270 plays


From  Bruce Tsuji 3 plays


From  hasi.eldib 5 plays

Stricktly Speaking

From  Greg.Allison 13 plays

2015 PSYC 1001 CH2 A PSYC 2015

From  Bruce Tsuji 3,141 plays


From  Bruce Tsuji 2 plays