How open access publications impact teaching and learning, and how insitutions can support the use of open access publications.
Considerations for use of open educational resources in classes.
How open educational resources can benefit teaching and learning.
Advice for adopting and implementing ePortfolio tools, including technical and administrative considerations.
Examples of how ePortfolios are being used at the course and program-level in universities and colleges.
Considerations for use of micro-credentials and badges in courses and programs, including technical challenges and administrative considerations.
Benefits of using micro-credentials and badges in teaching and learning, and examples of how they are being used in classes.
This tutorial explains how to use the techSmith Fuse product on your mobile device.
The differences between deep and surface learning and strategies for encouraging students to adopt a deep approach to learning.
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The core principles for developing online and blended courses, and the factors that may influence this process.
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Instructional Media Services is excited to announce the development of two new Active Learning Classrooms both housed in the Tory Building. While these rooms are still under construction, the Active…
The role assessment plays in the course design process.
Note: This video is protected by a Creative commons licence.
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